Saturday, November 22, 2014

Solar energy in Chicago
     The number of deaths and fighting between the countries are increasing due to fossil fuels, but people do not know fossil fuels in the future will make diseases and it is effect the atmosphere. That is why fossil fuels threaten a lot of countries and one of them USA which means Chicago on risk. On the other hand, Chicago has the sun, so the sun can use in many ways, so my suggest is to use solar energy because there are survey in southern Illinois says solar energy will be only the source on the earth. Even though solar energy is not a strong source, it completely fits our city because it has benefits; such as it is clean energy for the atmosphere and it lowers cost for the city’s economy. One feature of the solar energy - it is clean. This is because it comes from the sun and it does not have any chemical changes that causes of pollution that affectsour nature and kills more than 10,000 animals each year; so, we need to cover our selves from risks, such as disease and death, to our city.  Solar energy provides the same benefits as any other energy source and because we need energy, solar power is the safest choice and protection the environment from pollution.The other important reasons that make our city chooses solar energy, it is cheaper than other source like oil and gas because it is renewable source that does not need a lot of money to pick cause it can to recycle while the oil and gas cost many money to get out and after that it uses one time and we need to produce it again and again which means solar energy saves much to our city and rice our economy while the other fossil fuels threaten the global economy, so it is helpful source because we find another income to our city economy. In conclusion, changing solar energy will protect our environment from pollution and help our economy be safe. Solar energy keeps the life moving because if any of this negative effect happens, it will be horror in the earth. In addition, the people will be worry about the future if they feel there are a few source still on the earth, so that means a lot of wars will create, so I believe we should be the first city how they will change the future to be better without fear from fossil fuels.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

         In the past people in my country could not have available option to bring their food from different area because the life was hard for them and it was not ease to have money and did business to be successful, but know it is ease to choose in many cases. Now, Saudi Arabia is booming which the people can have the choose to pick their food. However, we have many fast foods in our country, but we usually eat at home. Many Saudis briefer to eat at home for many reasons some of them like the quality for making it better, seeing it healthy and in traditional we see the best things in food, making us meeting. One of the important reasons the people consider to it, people consider make the food at house is healthier than restaurants because it has a lot of disease and knows the risk like the weight will increase. For example, the survey that make in USA exposure that more than 150.000 have excessive weight and the death are 10 percent each year. Saudis see that will be either risk if they do not pay attention to there eat daily. Quality is other reason that Saudi consider to it, when the person take food from restaurant, he can not have the quality same home because restaurant want money, so they do not look it the source is good or not they try to find the cheaper ingredients to make it. For instance, if mother make the food, she tries to find the best to the family because she care about the taste, so she do not think about the money like restaurant. The reasons that a lot of people love it, the food makes the people be together, so it is traditional in our country because the people be busy all the day so the time that making them see each other, but when the family order in from out or eat outside, they can not see his family many. For example, there a study say 80 percent of people eat out, make them do not care a bout their family.  All in all, the best health to make
is eating at home which it has a lot of benefit to the person in live and life and some of them are healthy, quality and connect to with family. My suggest, you should see the best to your life because it is important to you. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

   Why some people smoke?  people lose their heath from smoking. A lot of money spend at cigarette. People die each year and some of them get serious diseases such as Esophagus, Kidney Trachea, bronchus, and lung. In Saudi Arabia, the rang  is in increase between children. Some children smoke at age 13. Many organizations in Saudi Arabia try to aware people, but there are a lot of things that people do not consider to it, which makes smoking spread in my country. Fist of all, children do what their parents do. When parents smoke in front of their children, they show that it is normal. Children look to their parents as a perfect person that they could follow. This point influence deep in children mind. It makes them smoking with confidence because they think that their parents do the right way. When we warn teenagers who are smoking, they say if smoking wrong why our parents do not quit smoking. For example,  My father has a friend. His friend quits smoking, but this son still smoking . When the father realized how the smoking is dangerous to health, he tries to warn his son. The son said to  hem " you quit after you become an old, now you want my to quit". It means the son refuse because he believes that the father who teaches and after while he want hem to quit. It was not make any sense the son, so he continued of smoking. Second, the friends influence the teenager to smoke if they are smoker. Many children smoke because of their friends. They Brag if they are smoking. The child always think, if he smokes he will be man. This problem starts as splurge and it ends as addiction which the child can not stop smoking. Third, it is easy for the children can get the cigarettes from the supermarket and other stores in my country. There is no censorship at some stores in a lot of areas, so children can go to these stores and get what ever cigarette that they want. The stores in these areas do not have censorship because it is locating in far areas from the downtrends. Children can go there and take the cigarette without any fear . In addition, the children can get cars to help them go to anywhere, so they have another helpful factor to get cigarette. In conclusion, smoking  threatens the health. It is not easy to quit, but when it cause to death in the end. The smoker should stop because there is who need him. The smoker does not hurt himself, he also hurts  who is next to him.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

      Yesterday, when I woke up in the morning, I remembered my parents. Even though, my family are with me in United Starts, but I miss my mother and father. Also I have brothers and friends in my country. All those people in the place that I born. The description for my situation is homesick to Saudi Arabia. Even though, people feel homesick, they immigrate for may purposes. First of all, people travel for money. Many people love their countries, but they need to have better life. They want to have a house and car. That is some of their dreams. They suffer out side their countries to give a good lives to their children or someone closed. Second, education is an important reason for immigration. When we want to have a good position. Some people struggle to have perfect  job in the future even if they have job now. For example, before I came to United Stats, I was a teacher a high school, but I was not satisfied  a bout my job. I wanted to have a master degree. I wanted to be a teacher at the university, so I decided to study at United Stats. Know I am closed to my dream. Third, curiosity is another reason to immigrate. People want to see what around them, so they travel to help the science such as explorers and scholars. They missed their family for help the community. For example, Christopher Columbus, next colonizer of Genoa in the north discovered Central and South America. He spend lot from his life for humans, but the result is being a way from his home. In conclusion, homesick is the big issue for studying or working Abroad .We miss many people in our countries. Whatever, we have of social, we still want to be closed to them.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

                soccer ball and fans 

       When we see children play soccer ball and they have fun. After well from their playing, the children began to fight and cancelled. We will say it is normal because they are children, but what about adult and older. When they do like the children at soccer ball. There is a mistake from where it comes. As a person who interesting  at soccer balls, there are many things that make intolerance in soccer ball. First of all, advertising is the most important to make  fanaticism. Ads exaggerate about their commercials  to sell their products . Because if ad, many fans forgot the respect in this sport . Know these days, some governments band  fans to come to finals plays such as Russian clubAnother effect is commentators athletes. There are many good commentators that improve the soccer ball filed, but we have few bad commentators. Those commentators try to amplify the small mistake in sport because some people pay for them. Some commentators are controlling from unknown organization for special purposes such as Gus Johnson. Third, making organizations cause intolerance between fans. There are some organizations try to convince many people  that soccer ball is more than play. people fight each other and believe their teams are their respect, but they forgot the ethics of the ball . For example, I have neighbor, he teach his children that his team is their lives for the family, so his children made a lot of problem to the neighborhood. When game came  his children be rude with everyone in the neighbor In conclusion, we should know the ethics of the ball before we become fans. When we respect the other teams and ignore what make us go back, we will become perfect fans. When we respect the other team and ignore what make us go back, we will become perfect fans. soccer ball is a play that have to be for pleasure, not to make us missing  from who love us. if we watch our team with our friends with respect the against team, these ways will give us the beauty of this game .

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Transportation Decisions For Families
      Transportation today  is much different from the way that it is 50 years ago. At that time, people who wanted to buy an automobile had a smell variety to choose from. Nowadays, there are so many choices that it could take months to look at all the cars on the market. For those buyers who are looking for vehicle for families, one of the first questions is ," should I buy a sports utility sport cars or four- door sedan? as a person who has a family.  I decide sedan for three types by cost, convenience and style. First, sedans are chipper than sport cars in their costs. For example, sport cars cost  between 20.000$ to 40,000$ and they are small and less comfortable for families. In the other hand, sedans cost between 10.000$ to 18.000$ and they are big and more comfortable for families. Another things to consider is the convenience factor. Seating of sedans take more than 4 passengers which they can travel to far place with convenience . Even though sport cars are fast car and they can give us pleasure on the highway, they can not take two passengers so if the passengers are more than two, they will feel uncomfortable. Third, there is the subject of style. sport cars  have beautiful because this kind of cars focus in The exterior design. Likewise sedan companies focus in what the passenger need from in side such as families. In conclusion, all cares used for transportation, but it is important to remember that , depending on what types of car fit with you and your families. choosing between to types of cars is a personal decision for you and your family. make the right decision.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Missing  people 

     More than 66.000 persons disappear in 2013. From where this number came?
Did you know someone who is kidnap? This case is not easy when you miss someone. Many people in this would could disappear from kidnapper or killer because of money or personal reasons. Killer and kidnapper do not care about who we love. In United State, the number of missing increases each year. This is scary. We are able to steal or killed  because someone is crazy or hungry. To illustrate that, the case about student from Saudi Arabia, his name Abdullah Algady . He kidnapped in Lois Angles 2 weeks ago. This story was bewildering. His brother said" my brother showed his car at website to sell it and to put this number if anyone want to buy his car. After tow days someone called him to see his car, so he went to the person after that he disappeared ". Abdullah is one of many people disappear in United State. In my opinion, it is hard to tell to the people stay in house, but we have many thing to protract ourselves outside the house. One of the easy way to be safe, we should not carry any thing expensive because many thieves see our clothes and wallet, so they follow us to know where we leave. Another solution, we have to be away from risk areas that do not have enough  protract from the police. These areas usually have gangs which anyone will be able to kill or steal. To sump up, I believe, if anyone follows my solution, the number of kidnap will decrease. It is easy to do my rules, but we have to be safe from stranger, whatever they show their kindness.    

Sunday, September 28, 2014

        Autistic children   "When Stacey went over to her new friend Chelsea's house, she met Chelsea's 4-year-old brother, Shawn. "Hi," said Stacey,smiling. Shawn looked at her but didn't say anything. Then heturned back to a toy he was holding. Later, in Chelsea's room,Stacey said, "I don't think your brother likes me.""It's not your fault," said Chelsea. "It's not that he doesn't like you- Shawn has autism and it's hard for him to talk sometimes. But can show you how to play with him, if you want."Stacey wanted to know what autism meant. Let's find out"by kids health. The would know becoming to see autistic as illness that do not have any treatment. In the united stated the percent increase to 30% at 2014. The government does not realize there is a problem in those children. Autistic infected children from 6 month to 2 years. they usually have a delay in pronunciation and neurological disorders. I find this illness linked to genes. Notes that he loves the solitude to become alone. In my opinion autistic child need to help and to care about their behavior, not just from the family and from the government in many ways.  One of the important that autistic children need, the government should build central, so they can look to change behaviors. The parents usually be busy because of their work life. Some time parents do not focus about there children behavior. We always think that normal from children, so it is natural. Another important thing about autistic, we should let the community understand autistic illness and it can treat. Many people consider autistic as neurological disorder that connects to the madness. We have to know more about autistic by news, TV ,radio and ad. When people know well about autistic, they will know how to deal with  Infected children. To sum , autistic it is not difficult to deal with it. I believe ways can make a big change to their children lives and be better. The community should understand those children need our help . Be with them do not be against them.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

         When you hear that there is protest in street, hall or any public place, you
think there will be kill, burning and punishment. That is not right because there is
many way in protest. In Egypt is the worst protest that happen in would a lot of
people dies and hurts. On the other hand, the porous is to change to the best, so
there is rules to do protest make things positive. The politicians say even there is
losses like human and money, but the result in the end is good to the generation
such as have better life and feel there is fear in your place and I agree with it for
two reasons . First of all, people want to find better life because some are very poor so they eat from the garbage and sleep on the street which the president not look at them, and so he could not Patience because if people do not do protest, they will still like this until they die. For example, In Egypt, “millions of veiled young women, some as young as eight or nine years old, with long sleeves and skirts; narrow alleys with uncol- lected garbage and open cesspools “ claims Tarek 
Osman, Young Egyptians: Their Society and Future “2011”.Second, the protesters feel there is no fear in their county. In Egypt, rich's takes what poor's has because they have authority. In fact, many people rob their Property such as lands and stores that have a perfect location. The people do not find who give to them their right. In conclusion, people in Egypt  be board with  injustice. They want to change their lives to become better. The people are patience about 30 years. It is time to have democracy and feel that we are part to this community. No injustice anymore, it's time for a change.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

     The subject that I want to talk about it is not knew but it makes a real threaten to our environment.
It is the fossils fuels. It makes change to our clime which the pole North and South dissolve. We see know flood and the hot above 120 F in many countries due to change of clime. 
The article "Fossil Fuel-Free Index Will Help Investors Manage Climate Risks" says that a new index has been launched that will make it easier for investors to steer their investments away from fossil FOSL +0.18% fuel companies, which contribute to climate change and pollution.  Also, fossils fuels are an increase at the price continuously. As the article "Facing the Risk in Fossil Fueled Electricity" by the author Posted June explains the possibility that fuel prices will increase over time. So I think there are many sources, we can use it instead of fossils fuels. The perfect source is solar energy. I choose this source for two reasons. First of all, it is clean source .This is because it comes from the sun and it does not have any chemical changes that causes of pollution."Clean Energy Sources: Sun, Wind and Subsidies" by Jeffrey Bell. Another reason,  it is cheaper than other sources like oil and gas because it is renewable source that does not need a lot of money to pick. It can to recycle while the oil and gas cost many money to get out and after that it uses one time and we need to produce it again and again which means solar energy saves much to our incomer. In conclusion, fossils fuels become a globe problem and many lives at the risk . Governments should stop this pollution sprite to our nation.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014


      This outline wrote by Alexandra Sifferlin “closing quickly,”. It is the risk that threaten many cities in Africa. It shows in 1976 and killing between 50% and 90% of those infected with the virus. Ebola will move to all the world if they do not stop it.Ebola virus in animals.Although non-human primates have been a source of infection for humans, they are not thought to be the reservoir but rather an accidental host like human beings. Since 1994, Ebola outbreaks from the EBOV and TAFV species have been observed in chimpanzees and gorillas.  Ebola comes from villages in the west and the central of Africa.Ebola virus (EBOV), like Marburg virus, belongs to the Filoviridae, a family of nonsegmented, negative-stranded RNA viruses. EBOV is composed of 4 known species—namely, Ebola virus Zaire (EBOV-Z), Ebola virus Sudan, Ebola virus Côte d'Ivoire, and Ebola virus Reston. I feel how risk is this virus, so rich countries should  pay attention to this scary virus . Poor cities should have hospital and clean food and water because virus comes from pollution. Ebola kills many African because this virus move fast. Although, this virus can move with the water and the air, so it is dangerous. Any one be able to have this illness. If any one from Africa travel to another city, he could help the virus move and spreads to be global problem. For example, CNN news published Dr. Rick Sacra came form Africa and Infected with the virus. Sacra, the third American with Ebola to return to the United States for treatment, was stationed in Liberia when he was exposed to the virus. It is need to solve. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Hello my name is Faisal Alanazi. I am 26 years old. I am from Saudi Arabia, city called Arar. It is in the north of Saudi Arabia. I like to play football, video game and watch television. My favorite movie is hetman.
As I like any person how have hobbies, my hobbies are finishing my program, having I nice job, make my own business and be the parson who any one would like to be like him. I some time read books, I do not have any carton author, but l like to read the action story that have many confuse cases.
I usually spend my time with my family and friend, but some time I like to be alone and watch movie that is not mean I am not friendly, but as you not everyone like to be alone to think about many things around him  .
In the first time to me in United States, I had a bad first imprison, I was a fried, and everything were new, different coulter and different language. I could not communication with the people. It was hard to order what do I want, but my goals make me continue.  I want to entire my meager. It is physics.
One of my long term goals is the language. I hope to finish it and continue studding physics.