Sunday, October 26, 2014

                soccer ball and fans 

       When we see children play soccer ball and they have fun. After well from their playing, the children began to fight and cancelled. We will say it is normal because they are children, but what about adult and older. When they do like the children at soccer ball. There is a mistake from where it comes. As a person who interesting  at soccer balls, there are many things that make intolerance in soccer ball. First of all, advertising is the most important to make  fanaticism. Ads exaggerate about their commercials  to sell their products . Because if ad, many fans forgot the respect in this sport . Know these days, some governments band  fans to come to finals plays such as Russian clubAnother effect is commentators athletes. There are many good commentators that improve the soccer ball filed, but we have few bad commentators. Those commentators try to amplify the small mistake in sport because some people pay for them. Some commentators are controlling from unknown organization for special purposes such as Gus Johnson. Third, making organizations cause intolerance between fans. There are some organizations try to convince many people  that soccer ball is more than play. people fight each other and believe their teams are their respect, but they forgot the ethics of the ball . For example, I have neighbor, he teach his children that his team is their lives for the family, so his children made a lot of problem to the neighborhood. When game came  his children be rude with everyone in the neighbor In conclusion, we should know the ethics of the ball before we become fans. When we respect the other teams and ignore what make us go back, we will become perfect fans. When we respect the other team and ignore what make us go back, we will become perfect fans. soccer ball is a play that have to be for pleasure, not to make us missing  from who love us. if we watch our team with our friends with respect the against team, these ways will give us the beauty of this game .

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Transportation Decisions For Families
      Transportation today  is much different from the way that it is 50 years ago. At that time, people who wanted to buy an automobile had a smell variety to choose from. Nowadays, there are so many choices that it could take months to look at all the cars on the market. For those buyers who are looking for vehicle for families, one of the first questions is ," should I buy a sports utility sport cars or four- door sedan? as a person who has a family.  I decide sedan for three types by cost, convenience and style. First, sedans are chipper than sport cars in their costs. For example, sport cars cost  between 20.000$ to 40,000$ and they are small and less comfortable for families. In the other hand, sedans cost between 10.000$ to 18.000$ and they are big and more comfortable for families. Another things to consider is the convenience factor. Seating of sedans take more than 4 passengers which they can travel to far place with convenience . Even though sport cars are fast car and they can give us pleasure on the highway, they can not take two passengers so if the passengers are more than two, they will feel uncomfortable. Third, there is the subject of style. sport cars  have beautiful because this kind of cars focus in The exterior design. Likewise sedan companies focus in what the passenger need from in side such as families. In conclusion, all cares used for transportation, but it is important to remember that , depending on what types of car fit with you and your families. choosing between to types of cars is a personal decision for you and your family. make the right decision.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Missing  people 

     More than 66.000 persons disappear in 2013. From where this number came?
Did you know someone who is kidnap? This case is not easy when you miss someone. Many people in this would could disappear from kidnapper or killer because of money or personal reasons. Killer and kidnapper do not care about who we love. In United State, the number of missing increases each year. This is scary. We are able to steal or killed  because someone is crazy or hungry. To illustrate that, the case about student from Saudi Arabia, his name Abdullah Algady . He kidnapped in Lois Angles 2 weeks ago. This story was bewildering. His brother said" my brother showed his car at website to sell it and to put this number if anyone want to buy his car. After tow days someone called him to see his car, so he went to the person after that he disappeared ". Abdullah is one of many people disappear in United State. In my opinion, it is hard to tell to the people stay in house, but we have many thing to protract ourselves outside the house. One of the easy way to be safe, we should not carry any thing expensive because many thieves see our clothes and wallet, so they follow us to know where we leave. Another solution, we have to be away from risk areas that do not have enough  protract from the police. These areas usually have gangs which anyone will be able to kill or steal. To sump up, I believe, if anyone follows my solution, the number of kidnap will decrease. It is easy to do my rules, but we have to be safe from stranger, whatever they show their kindness.