Sunday, September 28, 2014

        Autistic children   "When Stacey went over to her new friend Chelsea's house, she met Chelsea's 4-year-old brother, Shawn. "Hi," said Stacey,smiling. Shawn looked at her but didn't say anything. Then heturned back to a toy he was holding. Later, in Chelsea's room,Stacey said, "I don't think your brother likes me.""It's not your fault," said Chelsea. "It's not that he doesn't like you- Shawn has autism and it's hard for him to talk sometimes. But can show you how to play with him, if you want."Stacey wanted to know what autism meant. Let's find out"by kids health. The would know becoming to see autistic as illness that do not have any treatment. In the united stated the percent increase to 30% at 2014. The government does not realize there is a problem in those children. Autistic infected children from 6 month to 2 years. they usually have a delay in pronunciation and neurological disorders. I find this illness linked to genes. Notes that he loves the solitude to become alone. In my opinion autistic child need to help and to care about their behavior, not just from the family and from the government in many ways.  One of the important that autistic children need, the government should build central, so they can look to change behaviors. The parents usually be busy because of their work life. Some time parents do not focus about there children behavior. We always think that normal from children, so it is natural. Another important thing about autistic, we should let the community understand autistic illness and it can treat. Many people consider autistic as neurological disorder that connects to the madness. We have to know more about autistic by news, TV ,radio and ad. When people know well about autistic, they will know how to deal with  Infected children. To sum , autistic it is not difficult to deal with it. I believe ways can make a big change to their children lives and be better. The community should understand those children need our help . Be with them do not be against them.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

         When you hear that there is protest in street, hall or any public place, you
think there will be kill, burning and punishment. That is not right because there is
many way in protest. In Egypt is the worst protest that happen in would a lot of
people dies and hurts. On the other hand, the porous is to change to the best, so
there is rules to do protest make things positive. The politicians say even there is
losses like human and money, but the result in the end is good to the generation
such as have better life and feel there is fear in your place and I agree with it for
two reasons . First of all, people want to find better life because some are very poor so they eat from the garbage and sleep on the street which the president not look at them, and so he could not Patience because if people do not do protest, they will still like this until they die. For example, In Egypt, “millions of veiled young women, some as young as eight or nine years old, with long sleeves and skirts; narrow alleys with uncol- lected garbage and open cesspools “ claims Tarek 
Osman, Young Egyptians: Their Society and Future “2011”.Second, the protesters feel there is no fear in their county. In Egypt, rich's takes what poor's has because they have authority. In fact, many people rob their Property such as lands and stores that have a perfect location. The people do not find who give to them their right. In conclusion, people in Egypt  be board with  injustice. They want to change their lives to become better. The people are patience about 30 years. It is time to have democracy and feel that we are part to this community. No injustice anymore, it's time for a change.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

     The subject that I want to talk about it is not knew but it makes a real threaten to our environment.
It is the fossils fuels. It makes change to our clime which the pole North and South dissolve. We see know flood and the hot above 120 F in many countries due to change of clime. 
The article "Fossil Fuel-Free Index Will Help Investors Manage Climate Risks" says that a new index has been launched that will make it easier for investors to steer their investments away from fossil FOSL +0.18% fuel companies, which contribute to climate change and pollution.  Also, fossils fuels are an increase at the price continuously. As the article "Facing the Risk in Fossil Fueled Electricity" by the author Posted June explains the possibility that fuel prices will increase over time. So I think there are many sources, we can use it instead of fossils fuels. The perfect source is solar energy. I choose this source for two reasons. First of all, it is clean source .This is because it comes from the sun and it does not have any chemical changes that causes of pollution."Clean Energy Sources: Sun, Wind and Subsidies" by Jeffrey Bell. Another reason,  it is cheaper than other sources like oil and gas because it is renewable source that does not need a lot of money to pick. It can to recycle while the oil and gas cost many money to get out and after that it uses one time and we need to produce it again and again which means solar energy saves much to our incomer. In conclusion, fossils fuels become a globe problem and many lives at the risk . Governments should stop this pollution sprite to our nation.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014


      This outline wrote by Alexandra Sifferlin “closing quickly,”. It is the risk that threaten many cities in Africa. It shows in 1976 and killing between 50% and 90% of those infected with the virus. Ebola will move to all the world if they do not stop it.Ebola virus in animals.Although non-human primates have been a source of infection for humans, they are not thought to be the reservoir but rather an accidental host like human beings. Since 1994, Ebola outbreaks from the EBOV and TAFV species have been observed in chimpanzees and gorillas.  Ebola comes from villages in the west and the central of Africa.Ebola virus (EBOV), like Marburg virus, belongs to the Filoviridae, a family of nonsegmented, negative-stranded RNA viruses. EBOV is composed of 4 known species—namely, Ebola virus Zaire (EBOV-Z), Ebola virus Sudan, Ebola virus Côte d'Ivoire, and Ebola virus Reston. I feel how risk is this virus, so rich countries should  pay attention to this scary virus . Poor cities should have hospital and clean food and water because virus comes from pollution. Ebola kills many African because this virus move fast. Although, this virus can move with the water and the air, so it is dangerous. Any one be able to have this illness. If any one from Africa travel to another city, he could help the virus move and spreads to be global problem. For example, CNN news published Dr. Rick Sacra came form Africa and Infected with the virus. Sacra, the third American with Ebola to return to the United States for treatment, was stationed in Liberia when he was exposed to the virus. It is need to solve.